From Broken to Breakthrough

Our brokenness can lead to our breakthrough if we allow it. The problem is, most of us will go through life never realizing that what is happening to us and through us can be used for the greater good. We tend to want to control everything and have a “backup plan.” We want to stay “safe.” Is this faith or is this fear?

We choose comfort instead of stepping out and being willing to endure heartache and pain. We alienate ourselves from those who are for us because we don’t truly want to change. This is no way to live!

Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you future and hope.”

He knew us when we were formed. He knew the plans He had for us. He also knew we would be taken back by the world around us. He knew we would go astray, but He also knew we would come back to Him one day.

What an awesome God to stay with us that long. The more we trust God, the more He brings people into our lives who can pick us up when we are falling into a hole we can’t climb out of alone. He could have given up on me. He should have. But he didn’t. God doesn’t give up on us unless we do. He allows us to make mistakes. He allows us to fail. He allows us to do all these things because when we do finally come to Him, He will get even more of the glory. He will do abundantly more in our lives when we finally decide to meet him halfway. He will show us what we need in our lives.

No more lies. No more deceit. The Lord guides us. He teaches us. He becomes our wise council in times of need. When the devil begins to go to work, the Lord overpowers – if we allow Him to. The last part of this sentence is the most important. There is absolutely nothing God can do in our lives if we aren’t allowing Him to take the wheel. If we continue to take the lead, we can’t complain that God isn’t doing His part. We aren’t willing to allow Him to go to to work. Our fear trumps our faith.

I feel as though I need to keep pointing out the “if we allow him to” part because that is the most important.

I can’t help anyone who doesn’t allow me to help them and neither can you. Neither can the Lord. He can want to, but it’s up to US to let Him in. Our pride and our ego will take us down before anything in the world can.

“Pride” is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s OWN achievements, the achievements of whom one is closely associated, or from qualities and possessions that are widely admired [by the world].”

One of the examples it gives for the definition of how the word can be used is this: “She’d always prided herself on her ability to deal with a crisis.”

This one hit home, because I used to be her. I used to pride myself on the fact I could keep going. But I wasn’t going. I was operating. I wasn’t feeling, I was forcing. This is no way to live!

Pride will take us down! We have to begin to let go of our pride before we can do anything else in life. We must be willing to take a chance and let go. We have to learn how to forgive – others and ourselves.

Colossians 3:13 says – “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

Do you feel as though you are more righteous than someone else? Do you think you haven’t made just as many, if not more, mistakes as he or she has? Do you think the Lord has forgiven you? If you believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, you know the Lord has forgiven you. So who are you not to forgive? Who are you to hold a grudge?

The Bible says, in Leviticus 19:18, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”

These are instructions from our Lord. He tells us exactly what to do. Why is it then, we are so hard-headed when it comes to abiding by the instruction? Why do we still continue to try and do things on our own? Why do we choose to hold on to unforgiveness and heartache? Why do we continue to hold on to the burdens? We destroy ourselves and become unwilling to receive God’s grace. Jesus died on the cross and yet, we are still unwilling to accept that we are rising above the pain, the brokenness, and the chaos we have been allowing in our lives for far too long.

Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all your ways submit to Him, and He will direct your paths.” The Lord is just waiting for us. He wants to give us direction, but he can’t give it to us if we want to continue going our own way.

Will you let Him direct your path today? Will you invite Him in? Will you show Him that you want to let go? Will you take the first step? Just ask Him in. That’s all you have to do. Invite Him back in.

I am learning more and more in my life that it doesn’t matter how many times we stray. If we are still waking up each morning, we have purpose. We have the promise that He will be with us no matter where we go. He will protect us. He will provide the armor that allows us to go into places we normally shouldn’t go and do things we normally wouldn’t do. He gives us the ability to do more. He wants our testimonies to be seen and heard. He wants us to win. All we have to do is realize this fact and believe it enough to allow all great things into our lives. We are worthy. Our breakthroughs are on the horizon. We just need to be willing to follow the path our Lord guides us on. Then, and only then, do we truly break through.

Jodi "Lady J" Watkins

My name is Jodi Watkins. I am flawed. I am perfectly imperfect. I have made tons of mistakes. I can’t take any of my past back. I can’t go back in time. However, what I can do now is operate in my gifts, share truths, create awareness, and support/encourage those around me who may feel alone. We all have a story. Opening up is a process. It’s a journey. It comes from creating a trusting relationship. It doesn’t happen overnight. I am a true testimony that when we allow the right people in our lives, we are able to break barriers we may not even know existed. I used writing as a way to heal and I now use this gift to help others in a way I never imagined possible. My desire is to collaborate with like-minded individuals in order to create a better world for the next generation. Please share this website with anyone you know who may be interested in linking up. Together, we can always do more!

It's Okay to Fall. It’s Not Okay to Stay Down.


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